Social Networking - social media is the expression of Michelle_Aniyunwiyah

She has been using the social media technology to express her lower vibrations, her independent ruminations, her negative venting, ranting raving.  It's just as well, it's a necessary release valve, the venting.  But when she will be perfected, then it will be no more.  For the time being, we can find clues therein of the absolute-truth.

For many years, about a full decade ago, Michelle was advised by Ahgamen to beware of the social-networking addiction.  Of course, she only heeded that advice partially.  She did not figure it out yet, how it lowers the vibration tremendously.  Obviously, this blog is a form of social networking; so don't assume that the ironic point is lost! Nonetheless, here we are reporting the full facts and the bigger picture.

What is shared and broadcasted on the SOCIAL-media is worth a careful, initial study to learn about the mortal Michelle.  Some of it is good, but mixed in with some of the very bad and deceptive.  Here are the past few years from Michelle_Aniyunwiyah on FaceeeBook.  You will notice it mostly contains beautiful and real images of her Heyvazealia side, the highest manifestation.  She is depicted with her sacred family and husband. 

Michelle_Aniyunwiyah is the mortal form of Heyvazealia goddess incarnate


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