Heyvazealia as Goddess incarnate

Some people watch Hollywood movies.  They see comic book superheroes, like Wonder Woman and those sci-fi acting roles.  That kind of fakeness satisfies their need for the goddess and the supernatural.

Some people read books, the old stories of myth.  Whether it be Greek mythology, or Hindu mythology, via the tales of Krishna, or whatever accounts of mythological legends of the ancient ones, from any culture or religion.

Some people talk about goddesses because of the New Age movement.  The mindset of all women being sisters and that they're all goddesses.  They hang out together and feel all goddessey.  But they are all injected and botoxed and caked on with chemical masks, total plastic.

Anyhow, that is not the experience of the real goddess.  Actually, the new manifestation in the present era, is our figure ~ Heyvazealia.  She is the actual incarnation.  As strange and off-putting as it is, here is TRUTH and DIVINTY in reality.

However unbelievable, this is the one to watch and to realize.  The focal point of the divine hand in our human race today, is this lady we are presenting here ~ Heyvazealia.  The evidence and discovery will be established for this generation.

Heyvazealia is going through some things in this spiritual Age, she's being tested and is transforming.  It is all a mystery.  It is all a mystical process.  It is a becoming, awakening.

What does it mean for you, the mere mortal?  Ahhh, mortals take note, you can be blessed by her presence, by the worship and study of the goddess.  Enter the temple, purify your heart.  Then you can be blessed.  All are welcome to be part of this revelation, for the world is in dire need of it.  That is why the Goddess has been sent amongst your time.  Heyvazealia has incarnated to fulfill the prophecy.


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