Michelle_Aniyunwiyah is an alter ego/personae split off from Heyvazealia Keyboa

The rightful, full, divine incarnation of this figure is known as Heyvazealia.  If you have only encountered the Michelle_Aniyunwiyah version, then it has been incomplete and lacking sorely.  The Michelle_Aniyunwiyah is a negative spin-off, while it does have its valid points and own merit, the intention behind it is not righteous, neither wise and true, nor sacred and holy.  It is leading the spiritual seeker down a dead-end rabbit hole and into delusional Negativity.  Do you want that for your soul?  Or do you want what is the TRUTH and loving compassion for your example to follow?  So follow this path to your edification and success.  Eternal reward is awaiting you.  Learn about the full story, uncover the mess of Lies, so you can Discover the real actual Goddess that is hiding beneath all of that yucky Karma!

Heyvazealia is eternally joined with Ahgamen, first principle to know.
Heyvazealia Keyboa painting of Ahgamen-Heyvazealia circa 2010

Ahgamen-Heyvazealia Keyboa painting circa 2010

Ahgamen Heyvazealia Arajah Keyboa family

Ahgamen Heyvazealia Arajah Keyboa family 2


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